HAITI, by foot.

“What are you running from?” was a question that the seven members of Team Tassy heard repeatedly as they ran 230 miles across Haiti over the course of nine days. The team was not running from anything, but rather for Haiti. In fact, the race took place this past February during the 5th anniversary ofContinue reading “HAITI, by foot.”

Surfing in India?

Beyond the Surface is an explosion of color and calm, a documentary film, travelogue, and contemplative call to action on issues involving women’s empowerment, helping disadvantaged kids, spirituality and the fragility of the environment. It’s a journey powered by the waves of India’s massive coastline, and riding – in part – on the surfboard ofContinue reading “Surfing in India?”

The Healing Initiative|Travel + Leisure’s Jimmy Farren Hickey

“So much of the news media today is fear based. When I watch it I find myself saddened at the condition of our planet. It all starts to look so hopeless.” So starts the unlikely but entirely salient mission statement of The Healing Initiative, an online project from Jimmy Farren Hickey, the Digital Creative ServicesContinue reading “The Healing Initiative|Travel + Leisure’s Jimmy Farren Hickey”


HOW I LEARNED TO RETHINK MY BODY BACK INTO ITS RIGHTFUL POSITION When I visited Hawaii this past spring, I was told stories about a very special woman living up in the hills of Kauai named Michaelle Edwards who had dedicated her life to helping people get repositioned in their bodies so that they couldContinue reading “YOGA + SCIENCE, DISCOVERING THE ANATOMY OF WELLNESS WITH MICHAELLE EDWARDS”

Kauai Proper – living the life of a local Pro Surfer…well, almost

While I don’t like to pick favorites, there is no secret that I feel incredibly lucky to have Surf Pro Rochelle Ballard and her company: Surf Into Yoga (SIY) as one of my clients. Surf, nature, sweet gear, massage, amazing natural foods, Hawaii…what more could you need? From the moment she told me she wasContinue reading “Kauai Proper – living the life of a local Pro Surfer…well, almost”

Reforesting Patagonia and the Patagonia Ultra Marathon

5 REASONS WHY WE ARE EXCITED ABOUT THIS RACE, THE CAUSE AND 2 WAYS TO GET INVOLVED On September 28th, FOND will be down in Patagonia to race an Ultra in one of the most pristine destinations on the planet and to help reforest the region of the Torres del Paine National Park in theContinue reading “Reforesting Patagonia and the Patagonia Ultra Marathon”

Travel + Leisure talks to FOND about Voluntourism

THE LUXURY OF HELPING OTHERS When I quit my job last year to found FOND Group , I wasn’t prepared for the outpouring of support I received from friends, colleagues and total strangers. While I knew that working with the intent to truly help others felt SO much better than just doing work for theContinue reading “Travel + Leisure talks to FOND about Voluntourism”

Digital Detox: Summer Camp For Adults

BY HILLARY KAYLOR Color wars. Village communities demarked by wildlife flags. A reveille bugle to wake us every morning. The 325 of us, ranging in ages from 19 to 67, were warned. We were prepped. But it was only when we stepped deep into the cover of 80 acres of cool redwoods in Anderson ValleyContinue reading “Digital Detox: Summer Camp For Adults”

Small Steps and Slumdog Children of the World

BY HILLARY KAYLOR – Where did your feet take you today? Mine padded across my apartment, into my work shoes, out to the pavement and onto the subway. There was more pavement, and then a carpeted office. Maybe, if I’m lucky, they’ll later take me to a bar, a club, a movie. This mundane routeContinue reading “Small Steps and Slumdog Children of the World”

Pro-Surfer Rochelle Ballard links up with FOND

What happened on Oahu, why Rochelle Ballard is coming to NY, what exactly is a Surf Into Yoga Crossing and what’s FOND got to do with it? February was a spectacular month. I finally honed in on what I wanted to do with my skillset (a.k.a. – the rest of my life), and put theContinue reading “Pro-Surfer Rochelle Ballard links up with FOND”